“Every human being’s deepest, most natural expression is the desire to make a difference in life, of wanting to matter. We can choose to make the success of all humanity our personal business. We can choose to be audacious enough to take responsibility for the entire human family, to make our love for each other and for the world what our lives are really about.” ~ Werner Erhard

The Story of The est Training

It is now the 21st Century and there is much talk of possibility, making a difference and transformational leadership – but where did this all start? October 1971, 50 years ago in the Jack Tar hotel, a hotel that was noted in San Francisco as the future, a building that was said to be 30 years ahead of its time. In this hotel ballroom Werner Erhard, way ahead of his time, was responsible for transformation bursting on to the scene and the national stage. Werner Erhard and the est Training brought to the forefront the idea of transformation, personal responsibility, accountability and possibility - and in less than a decade a half a million people across the globe “Got It”. The est Training was as much a sign of the times as bell bottoms, peace rallies and space travel.

Over the years more than three million people from all walks of life participated in est or the programs that grew out of Werner Erhard’s est Training. Professionals and leaders from government, business and health industries, people in the fields of arts and entertainment as well as people like you and me actively participated in the programs of est.

How did est happen?

What was est about?

The Purpose of the est Training was to transform one's ability to experience living so that the situations one had been trying to change or had been putting up with clear up just in the process of life itself.


The people and organizations that illustrate the influence of the est Training and the impact they have on the world.



What's been written about est.


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Reunion Blog

This is a reunion for you and all the people who dared to create a new possibility for themselves and their lives.
It is now the 21st Century, 50 years later reminisce about the enduring difference the est Training made during this unique time in our culture.

Celebrate The Reunion